
There are only a few keywords available in LindenMASM.

  1. STT - Begins every LindenMASM file.
  2. AXI $ - Sets the axiom (initial state) of the system.
    • $ is a series of commands/variables/constants, ranging from the built-ins plus any user-defined functions.
  3. DEG $ - Sets the degree of which all turns will follow, default is 90.
  4. MOV $ - Sets the move distance of which all position adjustments will follow, default is 10.
  5. INC $ - Sets the number of iterations the generation should go through, default is 0.
  6. SET $ # - Sets a constant $ to a specified command #
    • $ should be a character that is not one of []+-.
    • # will either be a 0 or a 1, where a 0 corresponds to the constant being one that draws forward, and a 1 corresponds to the constant being one that moves fowards.
  7. RPL $ # - On every iteration, variable/constant $ will be replaced with the command/variable/constant string #.
    • $ should be a character that is not one of []+-. It does not need to be SET to be replaced.
    • # is a string of commands/variables/constants that $ should be replaced with.
  8. END - Ends every LindenMASM file.

Each keyword should be placed on a new line. Every file should start with STT and end with END.


These are the builtin commands you can use in the axiom, or any replacement.

  1. + - Rotates the pointer to the right DEG degrees.
  2. - - Rotates the pointer to the left DEG degrees.
  3. [ - Saves the pointer's coordinates and heading to a list.
  4. ] - Pops the last value of a list and sets the pointer's coordinates and heading to that.


Check out the linden-test.lasm file for an example. It should produce something like this:
